Do Not eat for 2 months / Emperor Penguins - Animal Fun Facts

Do Not eat for 2 months ?
Emperor Penguins - Animal Fun Facts

Emperor Penguins - Animal Fun Facts

Welcome to the Fred Wild News – we are so glad to have you.
Well, let’s start the show by first talking about Emperor penguins.

Ok, but I really want to know if that is true or not.

Emperor penguins are the largest of all penguins—an average bird stands some 45 inches tall.

These flightless animals, this means they cannot fly.

Nevertheless, they are amazing swimmers, they live on the Antarctic ice, in the frigid surrounding waters.

Penguins have co-operative behaviors in order to deal with an incredibly harsh environment, where wind chills can reach -76°F .

They huddle together to escape wind and conserve warmth.

Individuals take turns moving to the group's protected and re-la-tively toasty interior.

Once a penguin has warmed up a bit it will move to the perimeter - the outside area of the group so that others can enjoy protection from the cold elements.

Male emperor penguins will stand without eating for up to two months in the Antarctic elements – they don't eat for up to two months - that is crazy.

The male emperor penguin will do this while the female emperor penguins goes to feed.

Talk about dedication - so the female goes out to hunt for food, interesting.

During those two months, the mother will travel up to 50 miles each way to hunt, and will return to their newly-hatched chick with a belly full of food to regurgitate.


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