How to BE WILD! We had our beginning of the year school wide "Wild Expectations" meeting. We had a blast! We saw funny videos, won some prizes and I took a lot of pictures.
Here are more pictures from our Fred Wild Elementary 2014 -2015 1st and 2nd grade awards ceremony. Remember to share, like on FB, and download any pictures of your child or family. Thank you for stopping by the blog. We hope to be sharing more pic's, videos and more with you as soon as we can.
What is fair? Did you hear the news? Oh, come on you must have heard. Well if you didn't you have to watch this video. Our latest Fred Wild News video is all about the fair - or being fair. Well we did have a really funny joke about... Oh you're just going to have to watch. Fair - Wow, who knew the word fair could be used in so many different ways. Not to mention that the joke. Hey, you know you laughed (the kids did). Thanks for watching the video. Please subscribe to the Fred Wild News YouTube channel . The kids really do appreciate it. Oh, and if you can. Please leave them a comment down below (at the YouTube channel). The students often go on their to see if any one likes their work. Personally I think they do an excellent job. So, fair can be: Fair: as in not cheating, playing by the rules. Fair: can be a light color or tone. Fair: can be feeling good or good weather. Fair: can be an event held in a neighborhood. And fair can be used in a few other ways but ...
These kids at Fred Wild are awesome. We reached our goal and we are proud of all of our students who participated in the fundraiser. I wish we could have taken all of them with us to lunch but rules are rules. Here are some pictures and hopefully I can piece together a video of our Limo trip with the top sellers in our Fred Wild Believe Fundraiser. Again thank you, the parents, for being involved in your students activities on and off school campus. It is our pleasure to be a part of all their lives. Check out the VIDEO HERE
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