Cool thing about pee - fun facts / funny science

Some people just don't get my brand of humor. Really, I am just trying to figure out strange, interesting ways to promote learning. That is all. I just wanted to motivate, to intrigue, to arouse the curiosity in them. So yeah - we talked about PEE.

Cool thing about pee - fun facts / funny science

There is always something new to learn - like pee. Who knew.

I hope you enjoyed our "Cool thing about pee - fun facts & funny science" video. We do so try to please as well as make light of life - Laughter is good for you.

Please subscribe to the Fred Wild News YouTube channel. The kids really do appreciate it. Oh, and if you can. Please leave them a comment down below (at the YouTube channel). The students often go on their to see if any one likes their work. Personally I think they do an excellent job.

Here is an interesting Pee Fun Fact:
Urine therapy is sometimes cited as a "cure-all" that can boost the immune system. At five Urine Therapy World Congresses, people claimed drinking urine cured tuberculosis, HIV, malaria, and cancer, among others. The truth? According to, "morning pee" has a high concentration of melatonin, which has legitimate health benefits. But drinking your own urine is not recommended.(Not sure if I believe this one though.)


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