DUNK TANK! remember this at Fred Wild

Who remembers the DUNK TANK at fred Wild?
Oh, we have some nice interesting videos of some very interesting people get dunked!!!
It was such a blast - I know I had fun!
Check it out and give us a like and a thumbs up on YouTube.

Personally my favorite is Mr. Bozeman getting a surprise Dunk!
Just watch the surprise on his face. :)

Sometimes school can be fun. We are all about learning here at the Fred Wild - but you have to admit, it is good to have a little fun every once in a while.
The kids had a great time, the adults too (especially me) and it was all for a good cause. Even if for right now I can't remember what the cause was - oh well, as long as I was not the one getting dunked.
Please leave us a Facebook like or a thumbs up on YouTube and by all means - share this blog with your family and friends.


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